This is a fantastic overview of things and something we're very much experiencing here as first-time home buyers who jumped in feet first with a home built in 1885.

We're prioritizing windows over insulation as our first project because the windows are old and appear to be handmade, so you can quite literally reach between the upper and lower windows and drafts are very very much an issue.

In a lake effect snow region, that's a problem. In a house that uses a gas boiler for heating, its even bigger.

While there's likely zero insulation in the walls, it's very old lath and plaster with asbestos tiles on the outside of the home. So it's far better than if it was newer construction with zero insulation most likely.

Next up will either be the massive (and equally old) boiler in the basement or insulation, we haven't decided yet.

Given the boiler is gas and something along the lines of 90+% of the electric here is from green sources (and super cheap compared to national rates), it will likely be the boiler next. Though I have to research everything involved in that switch.

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It sounds like you have a gods plan. You might want to check out the Passive House Institute—there’s the original and also a US one. Lots of excellent information.

As always, thanks for reading and commenting!

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